Steve is both a bona fide rocket scientist and our resident sports enthusiast, which makes him a rather complex fellow since he is also the quietest member of Team Floqque who will talk your ear off when given the chance.

Steve could be called a Gatherer.  When confronted with an interesting task, problem, or new project, he likes to delve into research and gather information from various sources (both current and past) so that he can view that information in context to what he is trying to accomplish.  He seeks input from those he trusts and likes to make everyone feel included by sharing his ideas and inviting feedback.

Steve's laid back and welcoming demeanor makes it easy for his team to feel at ease around him.  He is always willing to answer questions in areas that he has particular expertise, and if he doesn't have the answer, he will work until he finds it.  He is the quiet engine that drives Floqque ever closer to its goals.

Scroll down to read my why.

Steve Marsh

Product Development - Back End Engineer

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